Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First report

I would first like to say thank you to all of you who have already read and left us comments. This is so great! I am still reeling fro the fact that I have a blog!

So, yesterday was the first chemo treatment and while long and tiring it was not so bad. Larry had first shift, then Mom and Laura Ashely came and Jess stopped by for an extended lunch break. I was so glad to have them there, because while I was waiting to get started in the lobby, I saw so many people rolling their IV poles and wearing their headscarves, hats and wigs and I had a few moments of weakness. Without my entourage I am sure there would have been more than a few.

I was home yesterday by 5pm after arriving at 7:45 am to get started with labs and getting some scripts from the Doc. We started the chemo about 9:30 and that took a little longer than they anticipated as I continued to have some reactions to the first drug Rituxin. We had to stop and start so my throat would stop feeling like it would close, and then I was covered in chills and running a fever, all so quickly! But we finally (like I did anything other than sit in a recliner!) got that one moving and after starting a second line we were able to get the other 4 (maybe 5?) drugs in. I came home with a huge appetite to which Sam satiated instantly by bringing one of my favorite home cooked meals - country style steak, mashed potatoes and broccoli! YUM!! Sleep was a tad more difficult as the steroids have got me slightly on edge, so at 7am (and that is EARLY!! for ME) I was out of the bed with a grumbling tummy and ready for breakfast.

I am still feeling well and planning to do a little work today as tomorrow and Thursday are expected to be the days were I feel the worst. Today, I plan to have my hairpiece made (if there is enough left from what was cut off) and then I will go get a shot to help rebuild my white blood count which is lowered my the chemo. So...as for now, I am doing fabulous and smiling. I love sitting to write this, while a tad awkward, I am so comforted to know that so many caring peeps are wanting to know how I am. So as long as you have time to read, I got time to write!




Nancy said...

Wow, sounds like you had a long morning. Glad to here things ended up going well. Mom, Dad, and Scott (the axe muderer) have been asking how you guys are doing. Now I can forward them to your very own blog!!!
Take care and we love you both very very much!!!

Tracy Morris said...

I am so happy to see you have chosen an avenue to express, vent, laugh, cry, scream....it is all so important to us who love you so much. Hang in there, beautiful!!! Gald we got to visit this past weekend.

Rach said...

Yay Mary! I hope things keep going well. I'm glad you're doing this, so we can all keep up to speed.

miscellane-ash said...

You go mary...thanks for being sweet and doing this (keeping the "peeps" in the know) enjoy your day, as best you can...please let me know if i can do ANYTHING for you and larry...kisses...ash

Matt and Kat said...

Mary.... I am glad to see that there is now a way for Kat and I to check up on you. I am glad that you have the spirits that you have about this whole thing. Remember, you can make it through anything with the love and support of surrounding friends and family. Please let me know if there is anything Kat or I can do...

JuJu said...

You're gonna have the most bitching hair piece and head scarf in the hospital. I just KNOW it.


Slappy said...

We're thinking about you Mary. The blog is a great idea. If you want to borrow the DS or the PSP for those long waits- let me know. Nothing like Mario Bros when you're bored...

Jamey said...

Hey Mare,It sounds like ya`ll had a great time in sunny Fl.Your head looks great,and now when ride on my Harley you will not have to worry about your hair getting messed up.You look to good to put on that hair piece.You remind me of that famous singer,now what was her name?Love ya Jamey

ceejay said...

Shug, I think the mohawk looks awesome on you. ( I am glad it is now and not when you were 15!) I am pulling for you everyday. You are my sunshine! and I love and adore you! Mom (fan club president)